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Elevate Your Investing Skills: Exclusive 1 on 1 Mentorship

Updated: Jun 16

Are you looking to take your investing skills to the next level? Look no further than YB Consultation, a platform that offers exclusive 1 on 1 mentorship for individuals interested in learning how to trade stocks.

YB Consultation is here for you as the trader.

Listen if anybody tells you trading is easy i'll put this bluntly. There fuc*ing lying.

This craft is not easy. This craft will cost you your mind. You must and I mean MUST be obsessed with success to become great in this game.

"Obsession beats talent 100% of the time." Let's take a look at some of the richest people in the world and what they've achieved. Elon Musk, started paypal with his brother and grew the company sky high. Started Tesla then and has turned it into a multi billion $ company. SpaceX was next along with Neurolink and Starlink. One thing we notice between all of his endeavors is that there is no "talent" here. You do not need to be 6'3 230 pounds of muscle to do this. You do not need to be the smartest in the room. Elon simply did one thing billions of people cannot. And that's push the limits everyday and become obsessed with the craft.

Elon sold his mansions, cars, luxury lifestyle and sleeps in his office as the richest man in the world. THAT is obsession. He has a goal and will stop at nothing to achieve it. "How does this relate to trading stocks YB?" If you do not have a goal, and are not obsessed with your goal you will not make it. Set a goal, stop at nothing to make it a reality. There will be distractions, there will be hardships, but it's what comes with the game. I am simply here to do my best to take those hardships away. I have given my life to this game. Lost my mind more times than I can count. And now it is paying off. After 3 1/2 years of hard work it payed off and I turned very profitable. Now it's my time to share the wealth of knowledge I have picked up from these 3 1/2 years.

If I can do this. A kid who came from trailer parks and no electric. From trap houses and becoming the man of my house at 11 years old, I know you can do this. I now travel the world freely, from trap houses to pent houses and fine dining. All because I decided to not be average. And today reading this you have the same choice.

"You can have more than you got by becoming more than you are."

AKA you got this. Your fate is in your hands.

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